Tomorrow at 10:30 we will have 5 new mice!
Two of them are Manx cross so we got a male and female of them so we can have so Manx! I think they will produce Stumpy Manx though, The female is a kinked tail broken marked black and the male is a broken marked chocolate :)

The other three we are not sure on genders, but there is a broken marked fawn, BEW or Albino and a black self :)
Check back Thursday for cute mousey pictures!
Welcome the newest member of the mousery, Lucy! She is Harry's mother and they are currently together being our first breeding project!
Check back in about 3 weeks time for a cute little mousey litter! :D
Woke up this morning to find Spot lying in the bottom of his cage almost dead, cold and stiff :'(
His tail is chewed up so much it is just a scab and is falling of
I don't think he will survive the night 
Welcome Spot and Harry, our two first male mice
A lady who had to rehome her mouse dropped off Spot and his cage and because I had some extra money and decided to go to the pet shop to buy some toys and came home with $65 worth of mousey toys and a little grey mouse (Harry)
Meet the boys here :D
I finally have found mouse breeder! I should be getting some mice in a week or 2 :)
Check back soon for some cute mousey pictures and big updates!